Our authors
Our authors are timeless masters, who are knowledgeable in specific fields of wisdom teachings. They are also writers of prose and poetry. What they all have in common is that they are walking or have walked the inner path. Their outer and inner experiences are reflected in our publications.
We are open to suggestions of new authors

OM C. Parkin
Wisdom teacher, mystic, inner scientist. Founder and leader of an international school for Inner Work.

Ibn ‘Arabi
Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi (1165-1240) was an important mystical teacher and writer in the Islamic world. His teachings on the unity of being and the perfection of man also made him famous in the West. He wrote over 300 books, of which around 93 have been preserved. His work is being rediscovered in the West today.

Sri Ramana Maharshi
The most famous Indian wisdom teacher of the 20th century. When captured by fear of death in the age of 16 he sincerely decided to investigate the question “Who dies”. This led him to the essential question of “Who am I”. He realized the answer, that the body may die, but not consciousness.
The path of liberation lies in the overcoming of our ignorance and non-recognition. Since Atman, the highest Self, is always present as the fundamental reality, the veils of illusion, that conceil this absolute reality, must be severed by the sword of knowledge and recognition.
Shankarashariya (686 – 718 n. Chr.)