OM C. Parkin
As a spiritual master of the silent tradition, OM knows how to unite the Western and Eastern streams of wisdom teaching. The radical nature of his work, with which he teaches and serves the path of human awakening, is a rare treasure in this day and age. The encounter with OM deeply questions what you are not and lets you fall into what you have always been.
OM passes on his knowledge of the absolute in the form of talks about being (darshan) and inner work, as well as in his work as an author and in lectures. He is the initiator of the OM Foundation Inner Science and the publishing house for wisdom literature advaitaMedia, founder and director of the mystery school Enneallionce – School of the Fourth Way and the modern monastery Gut Saunstorf – Place of Silence.
Studying academic psychology for several years did not give him any real insights into human nature. What was more fruitful for him, however, was being with his Sufi teacher. He later absorbed the teachings of the Enneagram orally. As a result of a serious car accident in 1990, he crossed the threshold of death at the age of 27 and awoke egoless into the reality of the nondual Absolute. His spiritual teacher Gangaji, whom he met shortly afterwards, supported him in integrating his fundamental transformation, which went completely beyond the world of everyday experience. She showed him the way to her advaita teacher H. W. L. Poonja, a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi, who gave him the spiritual name OM and inspired him to teach from the vision of advaitic reality.
OM C. Parkin’s spiritual teaching of the silent tradition, also referred to by him as inner science, is based on the one hand on the Eastern advaita tradition (teaching of non-duality, the best-known representative in the West is Ramana Maharshi), as well as on the teachings of the Fourth Way, which were made famous in the West by Georges I. Gurdjieff, and on the other hand is based on Western paths of experience (e.g. Christian mysticism). He also uses modern psychological and psychotherapeutic methods in his teaching.
The aim is self-knowledge through inner work, which ultimately leads to the realization of the true nature of man.
He himself says: “In the innermost heart of the religions of the East (advaita, zen, etc.) we find the ripest fruits of the philosophy of BEING. The mystery of the dissolution of the world. The spiritual culture of the West has brought forth the knowledge of the evolution of consciousness – the philosophy of becoming. The highest teaching is the unification teaching, which unites the paths of love and truth (small marriage) and BEING with becoming (great marriage). In this way, what was never separate is united in the highest realization.” OM C. Parkin